Under the society’s rules the first step in the process to put forward a candidate for election is to secure nominations from 250 qualified two-year members of the society.
If you would like to support James’ candidacy:
1. Please complete Part B of this form
2. Please send the completed Part B to with the subject “Nomination”
James will be in touch with more information.
NB the Society Secretary has confirmed the following details regarding this part of the nomination procedure:
To be valid, a nomination requires the explicit support of at least 250 qualifying members of the Society.
To qualify and count towards the 250 requirement, each nominating member must be
a) at least 18 years old on the date the Society receives the nomination
b) must either have held a share investment [ie bank deposit] with a value of at least £200
c) owed at least £200 on a mortgage loan,
in both cases throughout the two year period ending on the date the Society receives the valid nomination (referred to in the Rules as a “qualified two year member”).
The Rules set the deposit payable in respect of such a nomination at £500 [James will pay this].
Nominating members’ details and signatures can be on one document, separate documents, or a combination of both.
The nomination form(s) will need to contain clearly legible signatures that can be checked against the Society’s records (a wet signature or a scanned or photocopied image of a signature will be accepted, so long as it is clearly legible for verification purposes).
The nomination form(s) must include the full name and address (including postcode) of each supporting qualified two year member.